QuickBudget - Quickly review your monthly expenses. Free and 100% private! | Product Hunt


What is QuickBudget?

A free, simple, and completely private budget calculator designed to help you quickly review your monthly expenses. It also helps you compare your spending against suggested guidelines. It is based off a free budgeting calcuator spreadsheet made by MyMoneyCoach.ca .

How do I use QuickBudget?
  1. Enter your income .
  2. Go through each category in the navigation, and enter your current expenses. You can ignore any line items that don't apply to you.
  3. As you enter your expenses, QuickBudget will indicate if your spending in that category is above, below, or within the recommended range for your income.
  4. If you'd like to adjust the min/max spending limits to your preferences, visit the settings page.
Does QuickBudget store, save, or collect my data?

Absolutely not. Your data belongs to you! The data you enter stays in your browser and is not collected, stored, or saved anywhere else. No personal or private information is collected. In fact, QuickBudget even works offline!

How can I export my data after filling it out?

Click the Export Data button in the bottom left corner of the side menu. You will be prompted to save a CSV file, which can be opened in Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and many other applications.

Is a mobile or desktop app available?

Sort of....on your desktop computer, you can turn QuickBudget into a desktop app through your browser. On your phone, you can add it to your homescreen and use it like any other app.

Desktop: Using Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge, click the icon in the url bar (far right side) to install QuickBudget and use it offline.

Android: Using Chrome, tap the Settings icon ( ) , then choose Add to Home Screen. QuickBudget will now be on your Home Screen, beside you other apps.

iOS: Using Safari, tap the Share icon ( ) , then choose Add to Home Screen. QuickBudget will now be on your Home Screen, beside you other apps.

More detailed instructions are available in this article.

Who made this?

QuickBudget was made by Zaahir Moolla .

Questions, comments, or feedback?

Let me know!